A Doctor I know sent this to me;

You know how they say "you're the only one that can help yourself" well I think that's a big fat lie, no one really knows exactly what they want, they just have a vague idea. 
The alternative is to be narrow-minded and focus on a single dream but I don't think we were created to be like that, keep an open mind and the possibilities will be endless. 

Now the narrow-minded ones always claim to have exact details of how their lives are going to end up, then they get their dream and realize they wanted something else all this while. 
For them, it's like going to a store looking at the different dreams on sale and screaming "I want this one!, I want that one!But apparently, life is not that simple. 
I don't think our brains are programmed to know exactly what we need, we're not born innately knowing what's best for us, give it time, cos no matter how long u spend trying to figure out exactly what u want it all boils down to 'when you know you know'

I say calm down, take a minute to look around, you really don't have to rush through these life-changing decisions. We're wired to eventually end up where we ought to be, with who we ought to be with. Yes, fate, destiny, and all that crap, soulmates too.
I personally believe we have more than one soulmate, God isn't gonna give you just one chance at happiness, the beauty of our existence is that there are so many humans around the world that eventually our personalities overlap, so don't settle for less than you think you deserve, your happiness is just around the corner, you just have to be willing to embrace it when it shows up.

If there is indeed only one person for everyone, just one soulmate, What's the alternative? then it follows that something as trivial as making a left turn instead of a right one has doomed you to be alone for the rest of your life, and the thought of that is utterly depressing. 

Nothing is set in stone, so take chances, if you see your chance at happiness go for it, trust your judgment. 

In the end, the best gift you can give yourself is to come to terms that you need to STOP analyzing the past for it is already gone, STOP worrying about the distant future for it is yet to come, STOP trying to figure out precisely how you feel because feelings can change in the blink of an eye, STOP using your head to tell your heart what to feel because in the end it's your heart that might get broken, it's only fair that it should be its choice as to how the cracks are gotten or mended. 

Realize that in the end, it's sometimes best to go with 'whatever ........happens ......happens' live in the bloody present, make it great, make it worth it, if you're too scared to live your life because of what other people might think, then it's not your life anymore.

You, my friend, are just the majority shareholder.

It did inspire varying thoughts and after much ado i decided to share it. #deepthoughts #boolaahi #brattyDOC #attractivevibration #attractivesenseofselfhood #thankmelater 


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